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List of all shark attacks by Great White shark

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


Great White shark is responsible for 647 attacks. Out of those, 144 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 22.26%. 490 attacks came out of the blue while 157 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

USA Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles County 04-07-2014 09h30White shark, 7'SwimmingPROVOKED INCIDENT Torso bitten by shark hooked by an anglerNO Steve Robles
AUSTRALIA Elliston, Eyre Peninsula 13-05-2014 09h30white shark, 15'SurfingNo injury, but surfboard severely damagedNO 35yo Andrew McLeod
SOUTH AFRICA 11-04-2014 White sharkShark watchingNo injury to occupants, shark bit pontoonNO Inflatable boat
AUSTRALIA Tathra 02-04-2014 08h203 m to 4 m white sharkSwimmingFATALYES 63yo Christine Armstrong
NEW ZEALAND Stewart Island 31-12-2013 White shark, 6 mFilming a documentaryNo injury to occupants, shark nudged and bit boatNO Dinghy. Occupants: Jeff Kurr and Andy Casagrande
SOUTH AFRICA Die Platt 15-12-2013 08h45White shark, 3mSurfingInjuries to left thighNO 19yo Thomas Browne
AUSTRALIA Gracetown 22-11-2013 09h00Thought to involve a white sharkSurfingFATALYES 35yo Chris Boyd
USA Gleneden Beach, Lincoln County 21-11-2013 10h30White shark, 10 'SurfingNo injury, board bittenNO 25yo Andrew Gardiner
AUSTRALIA Trigg Beach, Perth 11-11-2013 15h00Reported to involve a white sharkSurfingNo injury, board bumped by sharkNO Shaun Daly
AUSTRALIA Little Island, near Hillarys 25-10-2013 10h55Reported to involve a 4 m white sharkDiving for crayfishNo injury, swim fin shreddedNO Todd Robinson
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