Fatal Attacks
Unprovoked Attacks
Total Attacks
Great White shark is responsible for 647 attacks. Out of those, 144 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 22.26%. 490 attacks came out of the blue while 157 have been provoked by humans.
Non Fatal
Country | Location | Date | Time | Species | Activity | Injury | Fatal | Person |
AUSTRALIA | Cull Island / Esperance | 04-01-2020 | 13h00 | White shark | Scuba diving | FATAL | YES | 57yo Gary Johnson |
AUSTRALIA | Shellharbour | 19-12-2019 | White shark | Fishing | PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | ||
SOUTH AFRICA | East London | 08-11-2019 | 06h50 | White shark, 4 m | Kayaking fishing | No injury, kayak damaged | NO | Bradley Beamish |
AUSTRALIA | Lighthouse Beach | 04-10-2019 | 16h00 | White shark, 3.5 m | Surfing | No injury, surfboard severely damaged | NO | 29yo Mike Bruton |
AUSTRALIA | Burns Beach, Perth | 06-09-2019 | 09h00 | 14' white shark | Spearfishing | No injury, shark bit swim fin | NO | Joe Petrovich |
NEW ZEALAND | Pitt Island or Chatham Island | 16-07-2019 | Morning | White shark, 3m | Scuba diving | Shark rammed him but no injury | NO | 45yo Val Croon |
SOUTH AFRICA | East Beach, Port Alfred | 09-07-2019 | 10h30 | White shark, juvenile | Surfing | Leg injured | NO | 20'syo Dusty Phelan |
USA | Sandspit Beach, Montaña de Oro State Park | 07-01-2019 | 10h00 | White shark, 4.6m | Surfing | Cuts to both lower legs | NO | 19yo Nick Wapner |
SOUTH AFRICA | Tinley Manor | 10-11-2018 | Morning | White shark, 3m | Fishing | Surf-ski bitten but no injury to occupant | NO | 41yo Bryon Machado |
NEW ZEALAND | Baylys Beach | 18-10-2018 | 18h00 | White Shark, 3.2m to 3.5m | Surfing | Severe lacerations to arm and hand and cut to face | NO | 25yo Andrew 'Nugget' Brough |
Be honest, when was the last time you watched a decent shark movie?