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List of all shark attacks in usa

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 2310 shark attacks in USA. Out of those, 187 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 8.10%. 1788 attacks came out of the blue while 522 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Cocoa Beach, Brevard County 30-07-2004 13h00SurfingRight foot bittenNO 20yo Kelly Getzfread
Rodanthe, Dare County 27-07-2004 17h30SurfingRight calf bittenNO 28yo Catherine Delneo
Galveston Island 26-07-2004 16h301.2 m to 1.5 m [4' to 5'] sharkSwimmingRight foot bittenNO 19yo Erika Hailey
Carolina Beach, New Hanover County 26-07-2004 17h001.8 m [6'] sharkSwimmingRight forearm & wrist laceratedNO 13yo Alexis Huesgen
Bryan Beach, Brazoria County 24-07-2004 19h30Bull sharkWading / fishing & carrying a bag of fishRight forearm nearly severed and bites above & below the right kneeNO 11yo Aaron Perez
Gulf Shores Beach, Baldwin County 01-07-2004 16h404' to 5' sharkWadingRight foot laceratedNO 7yo Trenton Martin
San Onofre State Beach, San Diego County 25-06-2004 09h009'2" white sharkSurfingNo injury, shark struck his boardNO 45yo Kelly French
Disney / Vero Beach, Indian River County 13-06-2004 In water with diving seabirdsFoot bittenNO girl
Daytona Beach Shores, Volusia County 09-06-2004 18h001.2 m [4'] sharkSwimmingRight wrist & left arm laceratedNO 8yo Mitchell Anderson
Pirate's Beach, Galveston Island 28-05-2004 19h450.9 m to 1.5 m [3' to 5'] sharkWadingPuncture wounds on shinNO 16yo Ryan Eckstrum
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