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List of all shark attacks in usa

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 2310 shark attacks in USA. Out of those, 187 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 8.10%. 1788 attacks came out of the blue while 522 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Ponce Inlet, Volusia County 05-10-2005 16h05Treading water/ SurfingFive 1-inch lacerations to left footNO 48yo Charles Hutson
Tigertail Beach, Collier County 21-09-2005 07h30Shark involvement not confirmedSurfingLacerations to dorsum of left footNO Charlie Corrado
Myrtle Beach, Horry County 19-09-2005 16h303' to 4' sharkBody surfingInjuries to fingers, calf & heelNO 68yo Clair Parrett
Folly Beach 10-09-2005 14h00SurfingFATALYES 18yo Greg Norton, Jr.
North Topsail Beach, Onslow County 04-09-2005 15h20Bull sharkWadingCalf severely laceratedNO 18yo Elizabeth Gardner
Ponce Inlet, Volusia County 01-09-2005 11h10Standing / SurfingRight foot bittenNO 62yo Frances Grause
Scripps, LaJolla, San Diego County 23-08-2005 11h00juvenile white sharkSurfingLower right leg laceratedNO 37yo Tony Simmonson
6th Avenue North, Myrtle Beach, Horry County 21-08-2005 AfternoonShark involvement not confirmedBoogie boarding, kicked at object in the waterLaceration to knee, possibly by a small blacktip sharkNO 17yo Nicholas House
34th Avenue North, Myrtle Beach, Horry County 20-08-2005 MorningPossibly a sandbar shark or small blacktip sharkSwimmingBitten underneath left armNO 8yo Jacob Kolessar
Crystal Beach (east of Galveston) 18-08-2005 20h00WalkingLeft foot bittenNO 12yo Julian Elizondo
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