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List of all shark attacks in usa

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 2310 shark attacks in USA. Out of those, 187 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 8.10%. 1788 attacks came out of the blue while 522 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Topsail Island, Pender County 23-07-2008 13h003' to 4' sharkWadingLacerations to dorsum of right footNO 8yo Madeline Sinsley
New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County 22-07-2008 14h30SurfingFoot bitten after he stepped on the shark PROVOKED INCIDENTNO 15yo Troy Zettle
New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County 18-07-2008 13h554' sharkWadingLacerations to lower left legNO 16yo S.A.
Carolina Beach, New Hanover County 12-07-2008 Shark involvement not confirmedBody surfingBruises, abrasions and some spinal and nerve damage when collided with marine animal, possibly a shark or dolphin.NO 52yo Donald Griffin
Isle of Palms, Charleston County 10-07-2008 14h00SurfingLaceration to foreamNO 24yo male
Emerald Isle, Carteret County 08-07-2008 19h30SwimmingLacerations to right footNO 14yo Bailleigh Foster
Litchfield Beach, Georgetown County 04-07-2008 14h21Lacerations to right footNO 17yo J.L.
Kamilo Point, Hawai'i 27-06-2008 AfternoonShark involvement prior to death not confirmedWadingProbable drowning with post-mortem bitesNO 53yo Nathan Labarios
New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County 25-06-2008 AfternoonSurfingMinor laceration to footNO 29yo male
North Topsail Beach, Onslow County 25-06-2008 AfternoonBull shark, 6'Playing in the surfAnkle bittenNO 10yo Cassidy Cartwright
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