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List of all shark attacks in usa

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 2310 shark attacks in USA. Out of those, 187 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 8.10%. 1788 attacks came out of the blue while 522 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

North Jetty Park, Fort Pierce, St Lucie County 05-11-1992 14h15SurfingHeel bittenNO 17yo Josh Greinstein
Kea'au Beach Park, O'ahu 04-11-1992 09h45Tiger shark, 3 m to 3.7 m [10' to 12']Body boardingRight leg severely lacerated FATALYES 18yo Aaron A. Romento
Castle Rock, San Miguel Island, Santa Barbara County 28-10-1992 11h002.5 m [8.25'] white sharkHookah diving for sea urchinsFoot & swim fin puncturedNO 40yo Andy Schupe
Lanaikea, O'ahu 21-10-1992 07h40Tiger shark, 4.3 m [14']SurfingChest & arm bruised & scratched, 15" crescent-shaped piece removed from boardNO 28yo Rick (Eric) Gruzinsky
Gold Beach, Curry County 12-09-1992 17h004 m to 5 m [13' to 16.5'] white sharkSurfingMinor bruisesNO 20yo Jerad Brittain
South Jetty, New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County 10-09-1992 15h00StandingRight ankle & calf bittenNO 18yo Tracie Langbein
St Lucie County 31-08-1992 Surf fishingFoot bitten, 8 stitches needed to repair the woundNO male
Twin Arches, Hana Ranch, Maui 20-08-1992 15h00Questionable incidentFell from cliff while fishing & disappeared in strong currentBody recovered next morning. Injuries appeared to be inflicted post mortemNO Chester N. Shishido
Klamath River, Del Norte County 17-08-1992 17h005.5 m to 6 m [18' to 20'] white sharkSurfingNo injury, board bittenNO 22yo Keith Caruso
Manalapan, Palm Beach County 16-08-1992 Nurse shark, 3', 20-lbSnorkelingGrabbed metal leader to shark, shark clamped on & bit left bicep PROVOKED INCIDENTNO 26yo Rod Duguid
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