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List of all shark attacks in south-africa

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 585 shark attacks in SOUTH AFRICA. Out of those, 106 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 18.12%. 406 attacks came out of the blue while 179 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Pollock Beach 29-05-1998 SurfingMinor laceration on footNO 17yo Jamie Harrington
Jeffreys Bay 28-05-1998 Early afternoonUnidentifiedBody boardingLeg bittenNO 16yo Jan-Henrick Opperman
Sardinia Bay near Port Elizabeth 28-05-1998 2 hours after Opperman3 m to 4 m [10' to 13'] white sharkBody boardingRight shoulder & arm bittenNO 15yo Marc Jucker
Keurbooms 15-05-1998 14h454 m [13'] white sharkBody boardingLower legs bitten, foot severedNO 22yo Neal Stephenson
Saldanha Bay 14-03-1998 17h303 m [10'] white sharkSnorkeling – hunting crayfish and abaloneLower leg laceratedNO 33yo Kevin Dewey
East London 24-01-1998 SurfingCalf & foot laceratedNO 21yo Glenn Vosloo
Hole-in-the Wall 31-12-1997 SurfingFATALYES 28yo M…
Pringle Bay, 44 miles southeast of Cape Town 27-12-1997 14h00White sharkSpearfishingFATALYES 39yo Ian James Hill
St. Francis Bay 27-12-1997 Sitting on surfboardCalf bittenNO Stuart Buchanan
Off Port Alfred 10-10-1997 Soupfin sharkFishingatNo injury, hooked shark bit their 4.8 m inflatable boatNO Andre Marais & Tony Jensen
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