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List of all shark attacks in solomon-islands

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 30 shark attacks in SOLOMON ISLANDS. Out of those, 12 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 40.00%. 21 attacks came out of the blue while 9 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Battle of Guadalcanal Thrown from destroyer when shell hitHip bittenNO 19yo
Cape Esperance (near Savo Islands) His ship, the US destroyer Duncan DD 485, had been sunk by crossfire from Japanese warships. He was wearing a kapok lifejacket & using 2 aluminum powder tins for floatationFoot, hand, elbow & calf lacerated & abraded, thigh gashedNO 25yo Lieutenant Commander Herbert Richard Kabat
Honiara 17h30FATALYES 22yo Matthew Keia, a Lord Howe native
Munda Island, Roviana Lagoon Floating on his backButtock bittenNO American male
Munda FloatingButtock bittenNO male
Kieta Diving from canoeLeg severedNO 15yo Matthew Sonieva
Japanese aircraft shot down. He was one of two survivors rescued by the U.S. destroyer MugfordLacerations to left armNO Tamaki Amano
Guadalcanal SwimmingArm severedNO U.S. soldier in 161st Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division
Honiara 17h30FATALYES 28yo Melanesian woman
Susukana Plantation 21-09-1963 13h005.5 m [18'] sharkSpearing fishFATAL, right thigh, calf & foot bittenYES 30yo Dovi
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