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List of all shark attacks in senegal

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 11 shark attacks in SENEGAL. Out of those, 3 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 27.27%. 6 attacks came out of the blue while 5 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

30-06-2007 Questionable IncidentMurderNO Alex Takyi
Yoff Island 31-08-1998 1.5 m sharkSpearfishingBitten by harpooned shark PROVOKED INCIDENTNO 25yo A.D
Ziguinchor FishingCalf bitten by shark caught in net PROVOKED INCIDENTNO Souleymane S.
Isle de Gorée 18h15Lemon sharkSkindiving, fish at beltRight thigh bittenNO 19yo k
Tiaroye, near Dakar, Cap Vert Peninsula 11h00Tiger sharkFishing / divingFATAL, right thigh bittenYES male
Between Joal & Sangomar near Dakar Shark involvement prior to death not confirmedFragment of human foot recovered from 300-kg [662-lb] tiger sharkNO
Hann 31-07-1967 04h001.8 m sharkBeach seine nettingAnkle bittenNO B.D.
Bel Air, Dakar 29-02-1964 3 m sharkFree diving for shellThigh & hand bittenNO O.D.
31-07-1962 3.5 m sharkBeach seine nettingAnkle bittenNO 23yo M.G.
Thiaroye Guedi 31-12-1960 > 3 m sharkFree diving for molluscsFATALYES 20yo A.N.
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