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List of all shark attacks in new-caledonia

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 56 shark attacks in NEW CALEDONIA. Out of those, 19 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 33.93%. 51 attacks came out of the blue while 5 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Kouare 08-05-2015 Bull shark, 3.5 mSnorkelingFATALYES 50yo Yves Berthelot
17-03-2014 17h58Kite SurfingLacerations to calfNO 42yo Laurent Borgna
Lindéralique, Hienghène 24-12-2013 11h00Reported to involve a bull sharkSnorkelingLeg bittenNO 37yo Loïc Merlet
Kendec 20-05-2011 11h00Tiger shark, 2.8mKite BoardingThigh bitten, FATALYES 15yo Nathan ____
Bay of Bweedro, Ouvéa 22-02-2011 Early afternoon1.5 m sharkSpearfishingLacerations to left forearmNO 21yo Jean-Luc Majele
Bourail 05-03-2009 11h30SurfingFATALYES 19yo Kevin Hannecart
20-10-2008 11h00Lemon sharkSpearfishingLegs bittenNO 24yo Nicolas Wright
Hienghène 06-05-2008 14h002 small bull sharksFishingLower legs bittenNO 40yo male
Poindimié 25-04-2008 MorningBull shark, 1.8mSwimmingLacerations to left footNO 32yo Olivier Vilain
Bay of Luengoni, Lifou Island 29-09-2007 Early morningTiger sharkSwimmingFATALYES 23yo Stéphanie Belliard
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