Fatal Attacks
Unprovoked Attacks
Total Attacks
There have been a total of 3 shark attacks in MARTINIQUE. Out of those, 1 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 33.33%. 2 attacks came out of the blue while 1 have been provoked by humans.
Non Fatal
Location | Date | Time | Species | Activity | Injury | Fatal | Person |
Nurse shark, 1.8 m [6'] | Chest bruised, after shark clamped its jaws on his chest | NO | Bernard Vieux | ||||
Fort de France | 28-11-1891 | Attempting to rescue shipmate | Injured | NO | J.B. Johnston | ||
Foundering of the privateer Holker | 01-03-1783 | 06h00 | Many of the crew were taken by sharks | YES |
Be honest, when was the last time you watched a decent shark movie?