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List of all shark attacks in fiji

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 62 shark attacks in FIJI. Out of those, 22 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 35.48%. 56 attacks came out of the blue while 6 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

14-11-1967 MorningFreedivingHand lacerated by speared shark PROVOKED INCIDENTNO 21yo Stephen Wiltshire
Tovu, Totoya Island 22-06-1964 SpearfishingButtocks bittenNO 23yo Isireli Mara
Naviti 07-05-1964 11h30Tiger sharkSpearfishingFATAL, buttocks, lower abdomen & genitalia removedYES 35yo Sailasa Ratubalavu
Savuli Reef 16-02-1964 Tiger shark, 3.5 m, 250-lb femaleFishingHooked shark bit boat PROVOKED INCIDENTNO boat, occupant: R. Southey of Lautoka
Nailou Village, Tunuloa Natewa Bay 13-02-1964 10h30SpearfishingFATAL, thigh and abdomen bittenYES 17yo Ivo Berabi
70 miles from Suva 26-01-1964 SpearfishingFATALYES Dr. George Lapin
Tuvuca Isalnd 03-01-1964 15h00SwimmingDeep lacerations to her right thighNO 20yo Tale Meve (female)
Dravuwalu, Totoya Island 27-11-1963 11h00>1.2 m [4'] tiger sharkFishingElbow bittenNO 21yo Mereseini Wati, female
Rewa River 24-11-1963 14h00Spearing fishAnkle & foot bittenNO 25yo Sumia Qio
Taibaisa Passage, Gau Island 07-02-1963 10h00White shark, 2.1 m [7']SpearfishingLeft arm bittenNO 28yo Jone Waiteatei
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