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List of all shark attacks in chile

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 8 shark attacks in CHILE. Out of those, 4 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 50.00%. 7 attacks came out of the blue while 1 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Antofagasta 29-02-2012 Fishing (illegally)Hand injured PROVOKED INCIDENTNO Paye León Salomón
300 miles East of Easter Island 22-03-1994 11h513.6 m [11'9"] white sharkSwimming alongside NOAA research vessel DiscovererThigh bittenNO Phil Buffington
300 miles east of Easter Island 22-03-1994 11h583.6 m [11'9"] white sharkSwimming alongside NOAA research vessel DiscovererLeg severed mid-thighNO 19yo Heather Boswell
Valpariso 14-12-1988 16' white sharkSkindivingFATALYES Juan Tapia-Avalos
Bahia Totoralillo, 80 km north of Coquimbo 03-03-1981 10h30White sharkFree diving SpearfishingFoot & ankle bittenNO Carlos Veraga M.
Punta Negra, Pichidangui 04-01-1980 11h00White sharkHookah DivingFATALYES Jose Larenas-Miranda
Coquimbo Fell into the waterFATALYES a soldier
El Panul, 12km south of Coquimbo 28-09-1963 11h00White shark, 4 m [13'] rkSpearfishing / free divingFATALYES Crisolog Urizar
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