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List of all shark attacks in brazil

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 113 shark attacks in BRAZIL. Out of those, 38 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 33.63%. 93 attacks came out of the blue while 20 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Barra de Jangada 27-10-1996 SurfingSurvivedNO Luis Henrique Messias
Barra de Jangada 27-10-1996 SurfingLeg bittenNO Gilvan Jaime de Freitas Júnior
30-09-1996 SurvivedNO Josebias Dias
Boa Viagem, Recife 06-04-1996 SwimmingFATALYES Marcos Santana Silva
Boa Viagem, Recife 26-08-1995 SurfingSurvivedNO Aluisio Francisco da Silva Filho
Candeias 06-07-1995 SurfingArm bitten, FATALYES 18yo Clélio Rosendo Falcão Filho
Praia do Olho D'Água, São Luis 04-03-1995 AfternoonSwimmingFATALYES E.S.
Piedade 01-01-1995 SurfingFoot bittenNO 17yo Humberto Moraes de Souza
Piedade 12-12-1994 SurfingSurvivedNO Tiago Costa de Lima
Paiva 10-12-1994 SurfingRight thigh bittenNO Jorge de Oliveira Andrade
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