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List of all shark attacks in australia

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Ralph Bay NightTwo 2.1 m [7'] sharksWading, fishing for flounderNo injury, Robertson knocked over & Hasler brushed by a sharkNO 30 & 32yo Malcolm Robertson & Tom Hasler
Brisbane River "a small shark"Dived into the waterShoulder nippedNO 17yo male
Grey’s Point, Port Hacking 11h303.7 m [12'] sharkSwimmingFATAL, leg bitten from thigh to ankleYES 15yo Mervwyn Allum
George’s River InvalidCause of death was drowning, shark bites were post mortemNO 18yo Ronald J. Bishop
Off Bathurst Island Hardhat diving from Japanese pearling lugger, Reiyo MaruFATAL, dragged out of diving helmetYES 25yo Okada
Arlington Reef near Cairns 10h00Tiger shark, 4.6 m [15']Diving for trochusArm & back bitten, heel laceratedNO 16yo Guisne Oscoto (Japanese)
Cabbage Tree Creek, Sandgate BathingSevere bite to armNO 10yo James Gleeson
Derwent River (empties into the sea at Hobart) Sevengill shark, 14', was caught in the vicinityWadingKnee bittenNO Frederick Sampson Johnson
Mark’s Point, Swan Bay, Lake Macquarie SwimmingLeft leg laceratedNO 15yo Douglas Blackmore
Off Rottnest Island Sandtiger shark, 2.1 m [7']Spearfishing, shot a sandtiger shark. Cord to spear tangled round his legs & a wave washed him onto a reef.Bruises & minor injuries from reef, not the shark PROVOKED INCIDENTNO Mick Coleman
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