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List of all shark attacks in australia

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

South Perth NightGrey nurse shark, 1.8 m [6']Working prawn netShark’s tail grazed his shinNO 20yo George E. Rudd
Adelaide No injury to occupants. Shark leapt into boat during sailing racesNO boat
Wollongong No detailsNO another boat
Angourie, near Yamba Touching the mouth of a supposedly dead sharkFinger bitten PROVOKED INCIDENTNO youngyo Eva Cameron
Port Newby 6 m [20'] sharkFishingNo injury to occupants. Shark charged boat, tore off rudder & tossed it air, then swam off with itNO boat, occupants: C. Nardelli & son
Dee Why, north of Queenscliff 15h004 m [13'] shark seen in vicinitySwimming in hip-deep waterFATAL, leg & buttocks removedYES 17yo Frank Athol Riley
Sirius Cove, Sydney Harbor 07h3012' sharkWadingFATAL, right thigh bittenYES 13yo Richard Simpson
City Beach, Perth InvalidSuicideSzot's right hand found in a 4.5' [14.5'] tiger shark caught 3/9/1950 at Safety Bay, south of Freemantle. His body, with bullet wound in head & right hand missing, washed shore - an apparent suicideNO Peter Szott
George’s River at Kentucky 20h15Tiger shark, 1.5 m [5']SplashingHands severedNO 13yo Beryl Morrin
Fremantle Attempting to set underwater endurance recordNo injury to diver, but shark bit hole in his wetsuitNO 21yo Theo Brown
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