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List of all shark attacks in australia

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Brisbane BathingThigh bitten, FATALYES John Thompson
Fremantle QuestionableSwimmingAbrasionsNO Noel Knight
Horseshoe Bay, near Kempsey Late afternoonWhite shark, 3.7 m [12']SurfingRight arm & side bruisedNO 17yo Ivan Chandler
Calliope River Fishing with dynamiteFoot bittenNO Eric Francis Beck
Near Thursday Island 9' sharkDiving for trochusRight hand and arm bittenNO 36yo Conwell Kris
Flinders Island 16h00Swimming near shoreHip laceratedNO 18yo Robert Kay
Peterson's Beach, Sarina Night4' sharkFishingLacerations to right thumb and kneeNO 25yo Valentine Sichter
Bunbury Night5.5' to 6' sharkSurf bathingShoulder, back & leg bittenNO George Cridland
Stockton Beach, Newcastle 09h00Standing on sandbankFATAL, injuries to lower backYES 23yo Clarence Hammond
Middle Harbour, Sydney BathingFATALYES Thomas Houstan
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