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List of all shark attacks in australia

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Yorkey’s Knob Beach near Cairns 13h20SwimmingAbdomen & chest abradedNO 21yo Brian Ware (rescuer)
Near Forbes Island, Barrier Reef Diving for trochusRight forearm laceratedNO Norman, an aboriginal
Near Thursday Island RecoveredNO native
Logan River SwimmingFATALYES William Bartlett
Brisbane BathingLacerations to torso & thighNO 10yo William Quince
Lane Cove River, Sydney Harbor (Estuary) 12h00Standing, gathering oystersRight posterior thigh bittenNO Charles Duck
Hawkesbury River SwimmingFATALYES William A. Munro
In Swan River at Freshwater Bay, Claremont, 5 miles from river mouth SwimmingFATAL, back of thigh bittenYES 13yo Charles Topsail Robertson
Portsea Beach, near Melbourne Lying prone on surfboardNo injury, board bumped by sharkNO Bernard Bade
1.5 miles off shore No injury to occupant. As engine started, shark hit boat, breaking one of boat’s ribs in 3 places & stoving in 2 planksNO 16' launch
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