Fatal Attacks
Unprovoked Attacks
Total Attacks
There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.
Non Fatal
Location | Date | Time | Species | Activity | Injury | Fatal | Person |
Fingal Bay | 11-04-2009 | 08h00 | 2' to 3' shark | Surf skiing | No injury, catapulted into the water & ski damage | NO | 40yo Heath Milne |
Blue Bay | 19-03-2009 | 18h45 | Bronze whaler shark? | Surfing | Laceration to right foot, puncture wounds to calf | NO | 17yo Calvin Galbraith |
Bateman's Bay | 18-03-2009 | 07h45 | Surfing | No injury, shark bit nose of surfboard | NO | Bernadette Davis | |
South Broulee | 18-03-2009 | Early morning | Surfing | No injury, shark damaged surfboard | NO | male | |
The Natural Jetty, Rottnest Island | 15-03-2009 | Wobbegong shark, 60cm | Wading | Thigh bitten when he trod on the shark PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | 21yo male | |
Avalon | 28-02-2009 | 06h45 | 2.6 m shark | Surfing | Lacerations to leg | NO | 15yo Andrew Lindop |
Batt Reef | 21-02-2009 | 10h15 | Fishing | Severe laceration to finger | NO | male | |
Shelly Beach, near Port Macquarie | 17-02-2009 | 17h00 | Surfing | No injury to surfer, but the nose of his board was broken | NO | Glen Lockery | |
Bondi Beach, Sydney | 11-02-2009 | 19h30 | White shark, 2.5m | Surfing | Severe injury to hand | NO | 33yo Glen Orgias |
Garden Point, Woolloomooloo Sydney Harbour | 10-02-2009 | Before 07h00 | Bull shark, 2.7 m | Diving, but on the surface when bitten by the shark | Severe injuries to right hand & right thigh. Right hand surgically amputated & his right leg a week later | NO | 31yo Paul Degelder |
Be honest, when was the last time you watched a decent shark movie?