Fatal Attacks
Unprovoked Attacks
Total Attacks
There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.
Non Fatal
Location | Date | Time | Species | Activity | Injury | Fatal | Person |
Horn Island, near Thursday Island | 12-12-1961 | 14h00 | 1.8 m [6'] shark | Swimming with other crew near wharf | Right thigh and leg lacerated | NO | 17yo George “Jimmy” Stevens, aborgine from the lugger Rebecca |
Broome | 05-09-1961 | Shark involvement prior to death was not confirmed | Attaching a line at sea | Shark involvement prior to death unconfirmed | NO | a sailor from the Fukuichi Maru | |
Cape Moreton | 06-07-1961 | White shark, 5.2 m [17'], 2500-lb | Shark fishing | No injury to occupant, hooked shark bit boat's rudder PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | 35' motor launch, occupants: Bill Fulham & T. Fanning | |
Quinn’s Rocks, south of Yanchep | 06-05-1961 | Spearfishing | No injury, speared shark hit speargun PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | Graeme Arbuckle | ||
Trial Bay, north of Kempsey | 24-04-1961 | 12h00 | Wobbegong shark, 1.4 m [4'6"] | Spearfishing | Speared shark bit Davy's ankle & Pierpont's right leg PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | John Davy & John Pierpoint |
Otford | 15-04-1961 | Wobbegong shark, O. barbatus, 1.8 m [6'], identified by G.P. Whitley | Spearfishing | Speared shark bit his foot PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | 21yo Douglas John Spooner | |
10 miles off Nambucca Heads onboard trawler | 13-04-1961 | Night | "gummy" shark (Rhizoprionodon or Loxodon) 1.2 m [4'] | Checking fish traps, fell into the water | Tiny cuts & bruises on neck | NO | 40yo Keith Davis |
Flinders Island | 02-04-1961 | Grey nurse shark, 2,7 m [9'], 200-lb | Spearfishing | No injury, right sleeve of wetsuit ripped, weight on belt gashed | NO | 24yo Joe Prosch | |
Rottnest Island | 31-03-1961 | Wobbegong shark, 1.4 m [4.6'] | Spearfishing | Speared shark bit his arm & seat of pants of diving suit PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | Gerry Greaves | |
Glenelg Breakwater | 29-03-1961 | Bronze whaler shark, 2.4 m [8'] Identified by Clyde Buttery | Spearfishing | Shark took his entire catch, lacerated his knee and tore his wet suit as it brushed past him | NO | 24yo Clyde Buttery |
Be honest, when was the last time you watched a decent shark movie?