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List of all shark attacks in australia

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 1374 shark attacks in AUSTRALIA. Out of those, 286 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 20.82%. 960 attacks came out of the blue while 414 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Badu Island Dress divingFATAL Bitten in two by shark that he molested with a knife. Buried at Batu Island. PROVOKED INCIDENTYES Mr. A. Rotaman
Wamberal 18h00Body surfingFATALYES 22yo Noel Langford
Nelson's Bay Examining netted shark, that had been shotLacerations to right hand PROVOKED INCIDENTNO 26yo Albert Hampton
Kempsey Swimming ashore after launch capsizedFoot bittenNO Mr. Redman
Semaphore Boarding a shipNo injury to pilot, oar bittenNO R.H. Barrett, pilot holding steering oar of whaleboat
Great Barrier Reef MiddayDiving?FATALYES Keizo Masoyo
Pearl divingInjuries to both legs, buttocks, back, lower abdomen & chestNO Johnny Moira
Carrum Clinging to overturned rowing boatFATALYES 17yo Monte Robinson & Andrew McNeill
18 miles south of Port Augusta NO boat
Newcastle SurfingAbrasions to shinsNO Eric McMichael
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