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List of all shark attacks in Torres Strait

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 72 shark attacks in Torres Strait. Out of those, 23 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 31.94%. 68 attacks came out of the blue while 4 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

Thursday Island 08-01-2010 Whitetip reef shark, 1mSnorkeling2 sets of minor lacerations below her right kneeNO 9yo Reenie Morrissey
Western Province 16-07-2006 Shark involvement prior to death was not confirmed8 shark-bitten bodies washed ashoreNO
20-01-1988 Shark involvement prior to death was not confirmedFell overboard from the Taiwanese fishing trawler Lien Cheng FeuHis remains were recovered from a shark caught by the trawler Ho Tai No.12 in March 1988NO Lo-Ying-Chun
Near Mabuiag Island Large tiger shark seen in the vicinity the following morningTrochus diving, but floating on surfaceFlexed right leg bittenNO Tala Lui, a Torres Strait islander
Ota Reef 12' sharkDiving for trochusFATALYES 17yo Nelan Kris
DivingLeg severed above kneeNO 17yo Sammy
Pearl divingThigh, kneecap & lower leg badly laceratedNO Albertus, a Malay
Pearl divingBitten on buttock & legNO Jack Giblett or Gilbert, Torres Strait Islander
Near Warrior Reefs Pearl divingFATALYES Henry Solomon, Cape York native
Near Thursday Island 9' sharkDiving for trochusRight hand and arm bittenNO 36yo Conwell Kris
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