Fatal Attacks
Unprovoked Attacks
Total Attacks
There have been a total of 2 shark attacks in Newfoundland. Out of those, none have thankfully been fatal. 0 attacks came out of the blue while 2 have been provoked by humans.
Non Fatal
Location | Date | Time | Species | Activity | Injury | Fatal | Person |
Georges Bank | Shovelnose shark, 6 m [20'] | Fishing for cod | No injury to occupants, hooked shark leapt onboard boat PROVOKED INCIDENT | NO | a dory of the schooner Raymonde, occupants: Albion Muise, Peter Dousette & Jack Shannon | ||
St. Pierre Bank | 19-04-1874 | White shark | Fishing | Shark bit & tipped the dory | NO | A dory: occupants : 2 men |
Be honest, when was the last time you watched a decent shark movie?