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List of all shark attacks in Mirs Bay

Fatal Attacks


Unprovoked Attacks


Total Attacks


There have been a total of 7 shark attacks in Mirs Bay. Out of those, 2 have unfortunately been fatal which brings the percentage of fatal attacks to 28.57%. 7 attacks came out of the blue while 0 have been provoked by humans.




Non Fatal

03-08-1975 Freedom swimmingLeg bitten, surgically amputatedNO 24yo male
22-08-1974 Freedom SwimmingSurvivedNO 22yo male
15-08-1974 Freedom swimmingFATALYES male
15-08-1974 Freedom swimmingLeft foot bittenNO 18yo Yee Wing Ping (male)
15-08-1974 Freedom swimmingArm broken & severely laceratedNO 19yo Ho-Sin-Ming (male)
09-09-1973 Freedom SwimmingFATALYES 20yo Tsang Kai-shing
24-11-1971 Just before dawnFreedom SwimmingLeft leg severely bitten, surgically amputatedNO 20yo Chan Sze-king
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